

Create a custom chat feed or AI prompt interface using features provided by Skeleton and Tailwind.

Page Source



Yesterday @ 2:30pm

Ipsa amor summopere dolore usitas aequitas cavus. Votum thesaurus aufero viscus conventus valde vehemens. Bellicus audacia tredecim adflicto carbo arx deinde claro.


Yesterday @ 2:45pm

Ipsa amor summopere dolore usitas aequitas cavus. Votum thesaurus aufero viscus conventus valde vehemens. Bellicus audacia tredecim adflicto carbo arx deinde claro.


Yesterday @ 2:50pm

Ipsa amor summopere dolore usitas aequitas cavus. Votum thesaurus aufero viscus conventus valde vehemens. Bellicus audacia tredecim adflicto carbo arx deinde claro.


Yesterday @ 2:52pm

Ipsa amor summopere dolore usitas aequitas cavus. Votum thesaurus aufero viscus conventus valde vehemens. Bellicus audacia tredecim adflicto carbo arx deinde claro.

If you wish to review the source for the complete example above, please tap the Page Source button near the top of the page. We'll cover each core principle in the sections below.

Layout Columns

We recommend using Tailwind's grid column utility classes to define horizontal columns for your layout.


Layout Rows

We recommend using Tailwind's grid row utility classes to define vertical layout rows for your layout.



Tribuo arbustum asper. Acies distinctio virgo stipes paulatim ciminatio. Caste a creptio vitium. Sunt tubineus adamo bos thymum utrum vulariter admoneo allatus. Provident nobis venia sortitus cervus conforto explicabo candidus arx inventore. Curtus cogito volutabrum ait fuga tepidus xiphias audentia conscendo colligo. Abbas aliquid tabella harum amplexus argumentum. Tot thesaurus candidus solutio vallum allatus ipsa. Aestas succurro cerno. Capitulus tenax officiis tantillus.


Message Feed

Within our feed element, we'll generate a feed of messages. Note that we'll replace the pre tags in the next section.

host: {
  "id": 0,
  "host": true,
  "avatar": 48,
  "name": "Jane",
  "timestamp": "Yesterday @ 2:30pm",
  "message": "Ipsa amor summopere dolore usitas aequitas cavus. Votum thesaurus aufero viscus conventus valde vehemens. Bellicus audacia tredecim adflicto carbo arx deinde claro.",
  "color": "variant-soft-primary"
guest: {
  "id": 1,
  "host": false,
  "avatar": 14,
  "name": "Michael",
  "timestamp": "Yesterday @ 2:45pm",
  "message": "Ipsa amor summopere dolore usitas aequitas cavus. Votum thesaurus aufero viscus conventus valde vehemens. Bellicus audacia tredecim adflicto carbo arx deinde claro.",
  "color": "variant-soft-primary"

Message Bubbles

By mixing Skeleton features with Tailwind styling, we can provided message bubble interfaces for each type of feed post.


Yesterday @ 2:30pm

Ipsa amor summopere dolore usitas aequitas cavus. Votum thesaurus aufero viscus conventus valde vehemens. Bellicus audacia tredecim adflicto carbo arx deinde claro.


Yesterday @ 2:45pm

Ipsa amor summopere dolore usitas aequitas cavus. Votum thesaurus aufero viscus conventus valde vehemens. Bellicus audacia tredecim adflicto carbo arx deinde claro.


We can utilize a Skeleton Input Group to create a custom text prompt.

Scroll to Bottom

Chat windows typically remain fixed at the bottom of the scrollable pane. This can be triggered on page load and when a new message is added.

Use bind:this to bind your scrollable feed element.

let elemChat: HTMLElement;
<div bind:this={elemChat} class="overflow-y-auto">(chat)</div>

Then use Javascript's scrollTo method to scroll the binded element to the bottom on demand. You may also set smooth scrolling via behavior: 'smooth'.

function scrollChatBottom(behavior?: ScrollBehavior): void {
	elemChat.scrollTo({ top: elemChat.scrollHeight, behavior });

Add a Message

Below we'll cover how to append the message feed with a new message from the host user.

Per our above examples, we'll use the same messageFeed data structure.

let messageFeed = [ /* ...*/ ];

Then bind to the textarea for your prompt in order to capture any message typed by the user.

let currentMessage = '';
	bind:value={currentMessage} name="prompt" id="prompt"
	placeholder="Write a message..."

Here's an example of how we might append a new message to the messageFeed array.

function addMessage(): void {
	const newMessage = {
		id: messageFeed.length,
		host: true,
		avatar: 48,
		name: 'Jane',
		timestamp: new date(),
		message: currentMessage,
		color: 'variant-soft-primary'
	// Append the new message to the message feed
	messageFeed = [...messageFeed, newMessage];
	// Clear the textarea message
	currentMessage = '';
	// Smoothly scroll to the bottom of the feed
	setTimeout(() => { scrollChatBottom('smooth'); }, 0);

This can be triggered when the prompt's SEND button is clicked.

<button ... on:click={addMessage}>Send</button>